These brands & influencers are our partners
How does working with us work?
01. candidature
Fill out the application for a free webinar in-depth analysis. (Value €5,000, —) We'll watch your webinar...
02. virtual webinars
We will give you 60 minutes of individual advice with pure value on how to optimize your webinar.
In einem Optimierungs-Gespräch zeigen wir dir auf, wo du Geld auf der Straße liegen lässt und wie du die Engstellen beheben kannst.
03. cooperation
After the interview, we decide whether we fit together & whether we can optimize your webinar together
Your guaranteed value
Für dein Webinar stellen wir dir
ein umfassendes
Expertenteam zur Seite:
Von Positionierung über Aufbau und Storytelling bis hin zu Angebotsgestaltung, Tech-Stack und Verkauf. Du profitierst von maßgeschneiderten Feedback-Loops und individuellen Optimierungshacks, die deinen Erfolg maximieren.
Ab € 4.900,- pro Monat
We'll share all our secrets, systems, tips, and tricks with you. You're teaching yourself.
Ab 34.900,- einmalig
Online training
What others sell you for 5,000 euros zufrieden mit deinen Webinar-ZahIen?
Oder denkst du, da geht noch mehr, weißt aber nicht wie du das schaffst?
Wenn du richtig Bock drauf hast, mehr aus deinem Webinar herauszuholen,
um deutIich mehr Profit zu machen,
dann haben wir eine sensationelIe Nachricht für dich:
Wir finden & beheben die "Blinden Flecken" in deinem Webinar.
In the 1on1 call, we'll discuss how you can optimize and scale your webinar
Beantworte ein paar Fragen und schick uns dein Webinar.
Wenn wir einen "fit" sehen, übernehmen wir den Rest.
Ab € 9.900,- einmalig
We share our knowledge on stage Worldwide. From Estonia to Rio.
4.8 stars based on 34 reviews
Education is the most powerful tool to change the world!
Meet the Founders
Manuel is a Serial entrepreneur, business angel and strategic dealmaker, who has extensive expertise in founding and expanding companies across various sectors more than 15 years has refined over and over.
In his diverse business roles, which include Co-Founder to Mentor to Investor rich, Manuel has always maintained a central focus: the Using hidden potential & building scalable and efficient systems, which form the backbone for sustainable corporate growth.
Today, Manuel applies his rich business experience and expertise in sales psychology and storytelling to Help build future market leaders in the “online education” sector.
Pegman is a former entertainer who is now known as Charisma coach acts. He trains entrepreneurs to shine in their webinars & sales talks as if they were the main role in a blockbuster movie.
With a A pinch of humor, which even makes stand-up comedians jealous, and workshops that are more exciting than the finale of their audience's favorite series, He transforms shy, reserved guys into masters of charisma. Almost as if he were the Gandalf the Charisma — only with less beard and more magic tricks to enchant the audience.
In short: Pegman helps people to spark their inner luminosity and channel it in such a way that they Maximizes entrepreneurial growth.
We always need creative young people like you!
Personal assistant
You have a proactive attitude, a high level of initiative and the ability to set priorities in a fast-paced environment and to handle multiple tasks efficiently.
Excellent communication skills, both written and oral, and the ability to interact with a wide range of people at various levels come naturally to you. Confidentiality, loyalty and a high level of professionalism are a matter of course for you.
Well then let's go...
Senior Online Marketer
You are a creative mind with deep knowledge of SEO, SEM, social media and content marketing. With several years of experience in digital marketing, you know exactly how to position brands online and develop targeted campaigns that deliver measurable results.
You are analytically strong and use data to constantly optimize strategies and maximize ROI. Your ability to anticipate trends and respond to new technologies always keeps us one step ahead.
Communication skills, team leadership and project management are your other strengths with which you can take our online marketing to the next level.
Well then let's go...
Customer Success Manager
You are the driving force behind the success of our customers & partners who scale their webinars. With your deep understanding of digital sales processes, you ensure that every customer receives individual strategies and solutions to achieve their goals.
Your excellent communication skills and analytical thinking skills enable you to identify customer needs and develop tailor-made plans for success.
You are a master at building long-term relationships and understand how to maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty through proactive support and advice. With your passion for technology and education, you will lead our customers to success.
Well then let's go...